Entrepreneurs Get Tips from ‘Social Media Ninja’


Local entrepreneurs gathered at FatPipe ABQ April 13 to hear Meagan Nordmann, a self-employed digital and social media marketing agent, talk about using social media for businesses.

Nordmann, who specializes in “growth hacking” for personal and business branding, built her career on social media and stresses the importance of connecting with consumers.

“You have to be able to show your followers success and growth and let them celebrate all the milestones with you. If they can see that they’ll become your cheerleaders,” she said.

Event attendees were eager to learn about how they could address their own social media questions.

“My biggest concern is what content to put out and when to do it and how many times is a good number of times to do it,” said Robert Mendez, owner of The Cornivore Popcorn Company.

Krissy Bencomo, an event coordinator at AS Events and Tents, and an aspiring entrepreneur, said she wanted to better involvement with her audience.

“I’d like to really engage the people [who are] interacting with the social media accounts and how to get people to see the content I’m posting.”

Nordmann said she began by playing around with social media tools and eventually figured out what works best. She gave the entrepreneurs tips like using automated apps to post content to save time while still building a strong online presence.

Learn more in our video.

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