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How big is the impact that Breaking Bad has had on New Mexico’s economy?

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Question: How big is the impact that Breaking Bad has had on New Mexico’s economy?

What we’ve learned:

The consensus is that Breaking Bad has brought great economic benefits to the state of New Mexico. Incentives that encourage filmmakers to bring productions to NM bring in jobs and economic welfare to the state. Many businesses throughout NM are experiencing beneficial economic impact from Breaking Bad ad will continue to do so with continuing television productions such as Better Call Saul.

What we still need to learn:

We have a pretty good grasp on the numbers and what they mean to citizens, but our team would like to know the impact on a micro level. The effect of BrBA on a single citizen? Also, what economic impact will Better Call Saul have on in New Mexico the next two years?


Reporters Travis Gonzales,; Christian Naranjo,; Kyle Herrera,[/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][image type=”none” float=”none” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” src=”4729″][text_output]Frank Sandoval, left, owner of Breaking Bad Tours, poses with UNM students Alyssa Beltran, Travis Gonzales, Joseph Buck and after an interview inside the “Crystal Ship.”

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