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Online mag gives advice to creatives


Peri Pakroo began publishing Pyragraph, an online magazine in 2013, because she wanted to feature daily posts from working creatives around the world, including artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers and writers.

Pakroo, who describes herself as a “business-oriented creative,” said Pyragraph has a mission to offer career advice to the creative class and help bring insight to the often mystifying world of the arts.

Before starting Pyragraph, she wrote legal how-to books for startup businesses. Before that, she was involved in two newspapers, The Stranger in Seattle, and The Alibi in Albuquerque.

Pakroo says the idea for the online magazine came to her in a flash. She calls it the perfect merger between her experience and passion. “If I didn’t have the background in publishing I don’t know if I’d have gone for it.”

Unlike other career advice websites, Pyragraph offers advice straight from the folks in the trenches of creative work, not from a consultant’s point of view. This is offered as first-person narratives written by working artists.

Though she has moved to a digital-only platform, Pakroo said she is driven by the same purpose as print.

“My specific focus is on people who might not self-identify as business people: Photographer, freelance writer, a furniture craftsman, or a jeweler,” she said. “Once these people realize that they actually want to make money off of what they do, that’s always been my core audience.”[/vc_column_text][vc_tweetmeme][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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