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Production company harvests New Mexico talent


By Paul Kelly / NM News Port

As soon as David Pinter started Nijian Productions in 2015, he saw a field of skilled and determined people waiting to work and inspire others.

“There’s so many talented people, right here in Albuquerque,” said Pinter, CEO of the company, which specializes in marketing, filming, web design and communications.

Pinter sought to create a workforce that was unified and driven in various art forms and skills. The Albuquerque-based team now has about a dozen employees.

He has worked with local startups such as LAVU, a point-of-sale app for restaurants, LoboScooter, Soul & Vine, and other small projects based in New Mexico.

Pinter said he wants to see the local creative economy stay strong here.

“The problem is many people leave this state and go elsewhere with their creative inputs and ideas,” Pinter said. “There’s plenty of innovation right on our own soil.”

The work, however, takes collaboration.

“It’ll be all of us working together.”

Pinter’s CEO title means he takes on many jobs at his company each day.

“I wear the director’s hat, sales hat…and obviously I fall into the marketing department as well,” Pinter said.

Pinter is currently working on a short film in post production. It was the largest project he’s worked on yet, which entailed shutting down parts of El Paso, Texas. “We got to use an airport, we got to shut down a street. We had horses. It was fantastic.”[/vc_column_text][vc_tweetmeme][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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