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Can roadrunners fly?

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Question: Can roadrunners fly?

What we’ve learned:

We’ve learned that yes, roadrunners can indeed fly. However, they only fly for short bursts, usually to avoid predators or fly to their nests.  Otherwise, roadrunners prefer to run. They can speed up to 15 – 26 mph, making them the fastest running bird that also can fly.

We’ve also learned that roadrunners are ferocious predators, mate for life and have a cultural significance for the Navajo Nation in New Mexico.

What we still need to learn:

What the roadrunner symbolizes to New Mexicans personally.

What does the roadrunner symbolize to different Native American tribes.

What behavior roadrunners exhibit in the winter.


Reporter Pauly Denetclaw,[/text_output][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][image type=”none” float=”none” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” src=”4733″][text_output]Student reporters Pauly Denetclaw, Paul Kelly, Jocelyn Moya and Sam Kerwin (left to right) meet at at Satellite Coffee in Albuquerque to discuss their project about the roadrunner.

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