Music educator provides rockin’ inspiration


When Robb Janov became a music teacher at Jefferson Middle School, his eagerness to ignite imaginations with music turned to disappointment when he saw the few instruments at hand.

“I arrived here in Albuquerque from Chicago and I was given this job, it was really unimpressive,” Janov said. “I saw this need in these kids. They were clearly into music and I was determined how to engage this whole other population of kids.”

Since then, Janov has won plaudits for the inspirational program he created for Albuquerque Public Schools, as he explains in this audio portrait:

Janov formed the Rock and Rhythm Foundation, which is now in its 20th year and has earned grants from Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation, The Muzak Heart and Soul Foundation, The Mockingbird Foundation, and PNM’s Classroom Innovation Grant Program.

This acclamation earned Janov a TEDTalk appearance in 2012, in Albuquerque. The talk has received over 10,000 views on YouTube.

Janov focuses on new creative ways to implement music into schools. By letting his students learn what they choose in songs and artists, they find excitement and thrill in music.

Janov says his approach goes beyond music education and could apply to other subjects. “We’re training a generation of kids to just fill in bubbles. What if we could expand what it would means to play music in school? What if we could expand on what it means to be educated?”[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][vc_tweetmeme][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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