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UNM student creates musical app


A UNM student has developed a music-based app that provides users a platform for displaying their musical talents.

Munji Kahalah, a freshman computer science major, combined his love for music and his technical knowledge to create the app.

“The inspiration for Indigenous Beats was all about music, it’s changing the way we scout music artists, which is kind of the inspiration for it,” Kahalah said.

What sets Indigenous Beats apart from other music based apps like Soundcloud and Spotify is the app’s patented ranking system. This ranking system is based on the number of pulses and loops the individual artist gets. Pulses and loops are equivalent to a like or share.

“You get ranked off of your city for having the app. So say you’re a talented musician, you get ranked off your city for it. There’s a top five ranking system, where if you’re good at music, you’re going to get ranked for it, so that’s how it differs from any other company out there,” Kahalah said.

Indigenous Beats allows users to post only 30 second video or audio clips. This is to drive traffic towards individual artists’ profiles. According to Kahalah, a 30 second preview is all listeners need to decide whether or not they like a certain artist.

“People don’t want to waste four minutes of their time on someone who may potentially not be good, so if we give them only a 30-second video showing the artist for only 30 seconds, it will catch and have a hook, so that maybe they will go on their profile and be okay let me see some more,” Kahalah said.

The Indigenous Beats app is in the final stages of development.

Follow Logan on Twitter and listen to his audio interview below.


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