Student athletes’ mental health suffers during pandemic

By Brigid Driscoll and Jacob Trasen / New Mexico News Port When the pandemic first hit University of New Mexico baseball player Jack Silverman, realizing the team might not be able to play, it took a toll on his mental health thinking about what his future looked like. That’s one silver lining of the COVID… Continue reading Student athletes’ mental health suffers during pandemic

New Mexico Downwinders demand recognition, justice

Zamora, pictured with Bernice in Carrizozo (Photo courtesy of Bernice Gutierrez)

Decades-old compensation fund for people impacted by nuclear testing is set to expire in July BY: DANIELLE PROKOP / Source New Mexico The story of the Trinity Test Site is mapped onto the bodies of thousands of New Mexicans, slipped between stories of losing family member after family member to cancer.  For Tina Cordova, bringing light to… Continue reading New Mexico Downwinders demand recognition, justice

Mayor’s plan to help homeless upsets neighboring communities

The Gibson Medical Center acted as an overflow unit for Covid-19 patients when the pandemic was at its worst. The center has been bought by the city for $15 million to be used as a gateway center for the homeless (Gordon Payne/ NM News Port)

By Gordon Payne / New Mexico News Port Some residents of southeast Albuquerque are showing concern after Mayor Tim Keller announced the city’s purchase of a former hospital as a means of combating homelessness in the city “The City of Albuquerque has officially bought the Gibson Medical Center, the cornerstone of our Gateway Center network,”… Continue reading Mayor’s plan to help homeless upsets neighboring communities

Leading the nation: How New Mexico is vaccinating its population

Photo by William Jennings

By William Jennings / NM News Port A year ago, New Mexico found itself in the midst of a once in a lifetime pandemic. Now, the vaccine is here and New Mexico is leading at vaccinating its population.  About 60% percent of New Mexicans have already received their first dose while 43% are fully vaccinated. … Continue reading Leading the nation: How New Mexico is vaccinating its population