Curanderismo Gaining Steam?

Everyday items can be folk medicine.

By Rayes Gallegos / New Mexico News Port Body on fire, lungs lathered in a light complected forest green mucus and the fatigue of a sprinter completing a marathon. Tightly compressed into the covers of my grandmother’s bed I was dealing with a cold. Soup and liquids kept me replenished but the smell of vinegar… Continue reading Curanderismo Gaining Steam?

Movie theaters transform in response to streaming

By Brigid Driscoll and Lara Sullivan / New Mexico News Port Movie theater ticket sales peaked in 2002 and were slowly declining until the pandemic shuttered indoor spaces and tanked sales. They are now rebounding, but in 2021 theater-goers bought fewer than 500 million tickets, less than half of the 2019 total. Meanwhile, Netflix has… Continue reading Movie theaters transform in response to streaming

Walking history

Our tour guide Kathy Chilton, a volunteer with the Albuquerque Historical Society.

On most Saturdays, you can join a free walking tour of downtown Albuquerque. News Port’s Daniel Boyd took his camera and recorder and captured some history.